Monday, November 15, 2010

A short Intro

Hey everyone!
I suppose it's about time that I give you a proper introduction as to who I am.
For those of you who still dont know after nearly two months of college (dont worry I dont blame you, Im not exactly great with em either), my name is Brian.

 I'm not entirely sure what else I can say. The vast majority of you seem to think that I've been to Electric Pinic, which I'm sure must have been awesome, espically since I can't remember any of it :P.
Originally I'm from Kerry, though I sound nothing like it (I've often been mistaken for American or British, why though is beyond me) and this is my first time living away from home, so what better place to go than Dublin! Might as well dive head first into the deep end and live somewhere thats a pain to get back and forth to...

Lets see. I LOVE reading, I think I may be a tad bit of a bibliophile, I can hardly ever take something out from a library because I just need to own the book, reading it isn't enough.
I'm a big movie fan, though I never could tell you my favourite as it changes so frequently, or always seems to be tied with another. And one of the things I cannot stand, is when Hollywood makes a sequal purely for money: it makes me die a little inside :'(

I love music aswell, but then again, who doesn't thse days, it's practically a given. I tend to appreciate it for what it is, liking almost every genre out there. Those three hobbies are basiclly the big trifecta of what I do in my spare time, though with the work load on the rise I don't see enjoying them taking up a large portion  of my time anytime soon *le sigh*.
I'm pretty open mided about things in general, and I'd like to think of myself as accepting.
And well, what else can I say, we'll have 4 more years together, so i'm sure you'll get to know me before thats over and done with.

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